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George Osborne, MP for Tatton, focusing his attention on Knutsford Businesses in King Street. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Len Thomson   
Friday, 12 June 2009 00:00
Over the past 12-18 months many  businesses in Knutsford have had to suffer power loss often for several hours at a time and often at peak service times which have resulted in thousands of pounds in lost trading. I am sure that other businesses have suffered similarly at a very difficult time particularly during the present climate.
The List includes: Jones the Jewellers, Mozimo, Red Cross, Boots, Belle Epoque, Terence Paul, Cherry Tree Gallery, House, Broadbents, Cross Keys, Tanning Spa, Sue Ryder, Hallmark, Gusto, Rose and Crown, and Amber Lounge. Other businesses that have been affected can Email the Knutsford Business Club at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and KBC will send you a draft letter in word that you can personalise and add your support by emailing back your letter.

Scottish Power the supplier have advised businesses that the problem cannot be solved in the short term as there is under capacity in the area and they need to site a new sub station but cannot find a location. I have suggested that the large municipal car parks in the area must be able to provide a location. They have advised me that they are not getting any co-operation from the local council.

The Shadow Chancellor, has contacted Cllr Jamie Macrae at Cheshire East Council and an invitation to a meeting at Scottish Power has been received by a Commercial Director of one of Knutsford's leading restaurants.

George Osborne, MP for Tatton, at the Official Opening of Age Concern, King Street, Knutsford. 12/06/2009

Last Updated on Friday, 19 June 2009 09:34

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