Next Knutsford Business Club meeting will be held in November 2009 |
Written by Len Thomson
Thursday, 18 June 2009 00:00 |
Following a disappointing turn-out for the meeting in September attendees decided to postpone the October meeting , to give time to ballot all previous attendees to find out why they have failed to respond to emails and questionnnaires. The next meeting will be scheduled to take place in November
In the meantime George Osborne our shadow Chancellor and MP for Tatton will be speaking about how the Conservatives will Keep Britain Workingat the Conservative conference. Details below:
Monday 5 October - Fixing our Broken Politics 14.00-14.55 Get Britain Working - You will hear from senior members of the Conservative team present our plan to Get Britain Working. Including, George Osborne, Kenneth Clarke, Sayeeda Warsi, David Freud, Theresa May and David Willetts. Tuesday 6 October - Rebuilding our Broken Economy 11.15-12.30. The Economy - Philip Hammond leads this session on our plans to rebuild our broken economy, which will include a question panel with the Treasury team. George Osborne will end this session with a keynote speech. CLICK HERE for Live Webcast of the Conservative Party Conference 2009 The once monthly meeting is held at the Angel Hotel, King Street. It is a FREE EVENT which will be informal and friendly where LOCAL owners can get to know each other. The Knutsford Business Club hopes to promote LOCAL businesses and to encourage referrals through networking.

Call Bryan Stuart on 01565 633703 for more information
Last Updated on Monday, 05 October 2009 08:33 |